A shared commitment to excellence


Sebastian Butler, MAIBC, FRAIC

Sebastian Butler has been a DGBK partner since 1997, having worked for five years at Arthur Erickson Architects. He is a prize-winning architect who has accumulated awards in Canada, China and internationally. Sebastian has served as Regional Chair of the Architecture Canada (RAIC) College of Fellows. In addition, he also lectures in Canada and abroad on topics such as wood design and construction.

Sebastian’s diversified portfolio includes a full range of public safety, residential, civic and academic projects from large scale urban design Master Plans in China to award-winning residential projects in British Columbia. He is adept at working with user groups to attain workable solutions that meet the community’s diverse needs.


Konhee Ho, MAIBC

As Senior Associate at DGBK, Konhee has a strong background in a large variety of complex and sophisticated building types, including corrections, healthcare, hotels, medical research facilities, art galleries and airports. Konhee was project architect on the Surrey Pretrial, consultant coordinator for Okanagon Correction Centre and has worked on several prominent buildings across Canada.


Ralph Janus, MAIBC, MRAIC, C.P., CHES

Ralf is a Principal in DGBK with over 25 years of professional experience. Ralf has been project leader on major DGBK projects such as; Mills Memorial Hospital-Indicative Design, Prince George Regional Hospital – Phases I & II and Lakes District Hospital with budgets from 100k to 350M.

Ralf offers clients special expertise in the design and delivery of Public Building Infrastructure, Health Care, Clinic, Research and large institutional facilities.

Ralf’s role as the Peer Review Lead involves oversight through the initial programming, design and Contract document stages. He is also our certified in-house Building Code Specialist. He will offer project management support for the duration of the process.


William Rudell, MAIBC, LEED A.P.

William is an experienced Project Architect who has led and been responsible for several large and complex projects, including the North Fraser Pretrial Centre and Whitehorse Correctional Centre.

William also leads DGBK in his expertise in 3D design and Building Information Modelling (BIM), primarily using the Autodesk program Revit. When he’s not snowboarding with his son, or golfing, William is a nocturnal animal who will work tirelessly to see your project is designed and constructed to the highest quality and detail.


Peter Sickert, MAIBC

Peter is a graduate of the UBC School of Architecture, and an Associate at DGBK Architects. He has over 25 years of experience in architecture. Peter is an integral part of DGBK’s Health Care Team and has a particular focus on health care planning and user group interactions. Peter has recently completed work on the Mills Memorial Hospital Replacement, Lakes District Hospital and Health Centre, and Watson Lake Hospital.

Peter’s expertise includes the entire project spectrum, from concept design, through to project management and contract administration. Having worked extensively among institutional, post-secondary and commercial projects, Peter’s design and management approach focuses on designing places for people, and the positive communication that facilitates that goal.